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Digital copies of spare parts books and handbooks

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:21 am
by Antony Davies
Hi Everyone,

I have just rejoined the VAR having recommenced my 1926 Austin 12 restoration due to the quarantine lockdowns here in rural NSW. The car is well progressed now - another few weeks and it will be up and running and ready for finishing upholstery and final sorting. In the meantime there are a number of small items still missing, and I wondered if the VAR has a set of digital copies of parts books and handbooks, and anything else that might help identify the missing bits? They are things like one of the large one-eared retaining nuts for the handbrake, the cylindrical coupling that fits into the brake pedal and accepts the brake rod, that sort of thing. It will be easier to source the parts if I can describe them properly!

Many thanks, Antony